How to Stop Thinking Too Much and Get More Done

clarity energy health Jul 31, 2019

This morning, I was having a conversation with a dear friend and colleague who was sharing this all too common scenario with me…She was in bed, procrastinating on getting up, thinking (for about an hour) about all the things she should have been doing as she laid there feeling guilty that she wasn’t “doing” these things.

In my chiropractic practice, we encounter this frequently.  People tell us that they “know” what they should be doing in order to for example…lose weight, cut out sugar, walk and/or exercise more regularly, spend more time cooking etc…Many of us spend an enormous amount of time “thinking” about what we should be “doing”. 

Most of us spend an enormous amount of time thinking about the same thing over and over again.  If fact, the experts say that 98% of our thoughts are exactly the same thoughts we had the day before and that 80% of these are “negative” in...

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