We certainly aren’t born with this incessant FEAR OF MISSING OUT, but it’s so deeply rooted, it becomes woven in with our DNA.  I currently have exactly 13 projects outlined, many of which won’t come to fruition.  Our actions may express our priorities, but more accurately, they express our truest interests.  I, like many of you, write my goals and projects on flash cards and I pin them to a giant wall sized cork board.  There are always cards that fail to move for months.  Regardless of how seemingly important they may be, they’re the ones that ultimately don’t mean much to me and they’re probably not coming off the cork board any time soon.  Ignoring these dust collecting goals is far from inconsequential, however.  Their mere presence is like an anchor of distraction.

I’m a magnet for the creation of opportunity.   “I can’t help it, it comes to me naturally”…blah blah blah....

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