What to Do When Your Internal Fire is Dying Out?

change health vitality Jul 31, 2019

When I was young, I had this undeniable, stronger than life sense of excitement for what life had to offer. 

I had an inherent trust in the idea of potential.  Possibilities gave rise to the promise of undiscovered beauty around every corner and under every rock.  The world was an inspiring place and life was made to be loved.

Some call this the innocence of childhood, the “la la land” version of the ideal…but certainly not realistic.  Most of us, however, can identify with this nostalgia to some degree.  At some point or another, we’ve all had a glimpse of inspiration, a knowing that life is meant to be expressed fully and that we are all meant to live our individual definition of success. 

After 18 years of sharing in the life of my community (as a chiropractor), I see that we all want the same thing.  We want to be happy, we want our kids to love life, we want to be inspired. 

If we agree that we all share this in...

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How to Get Started Improving Your Health

change exercise health Jul 29, 2019

We all have a list of “things” that we say we want to start but for whatever reason, we’ve placed on hold.

Exercise ranks up at the top of the “I want to or need to start”.  Much like water, good food and sleep, exercise is one of our genetic requirements.  Without exercise, our overall function decreases and the longer we go without it, we begin to “lose” the health potential we were all born with.

If we can agree that without movement, we move toward sickness, then why can’t we find the motivation to START moving?

In my conversation with people inside and outside my practice, what I know is that when we’re not inspired, we don’t mobilize.  We’re inspiration driven and inspiration ultimately is all that speaks to us.

In my late thirties, I began running.  Prior to this, I avoided running like the plague. My husband runs, my friends run, and my boys need a role model.   I decided that I...

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Why Your True Health Comes From the Inside and Not Another Packet

change health Jul 29, 2019

Malcolm Gladwell talks about how it takes 10,000 hours to master anything, even for those born with masterful gifts. 

From toddlerhood, we’re taught that there’s no free lunch, that the law of exchange states that you can’t get something for nothing.  We’re told over and over that we get out of life what we put into it and that the glory is found in the work and the grit and the laser-sharp focus.  That money doesn’t grow on trees, that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is and that we should never feel entitled to anything.

Hard work, diligence, perseverance and slow and steady are seemingly ingrained premises. 

Why is it then, we’re inundated with contradictions and unrealistic solutions being served on proverbial sliver platters everywhere we look.

QUICK FIXES.  Miracle cures.  Pills, Lotions, Potions.   6 pack ab machines we can use while we’re watching TV, red wine is so good for...

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